Piretti Real Estate
180370 Lenox $2,700,000.00 Victorian #179865
Lenox, MA 01240
Experienced professionals
Full service agency specializing in relocation of both primary and secondary home-buyers with 39 years of experience in the Berkshires; offering both buyer and seller agency.
Keywords: Real Estate, home, Berkshires, Lenox, South County
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Interview Q&A
How long have you been in business?
39 Years
What is your primary product or service?
Primary and secondary homes
How did you first become interested in your line of business? (if owner) - What is your background? (If owner or store manager)
Interest in helping people find their perfect home; Life Long resident of the Berkshires; Graduate of the College of New Rochelle, licensed in MA since 1978; 3 children, 3 step-children, 9 grandchildren!
How do you differentiate yourself from other businesses in your category and area?
In depth knowledge of the South County market; love of the Berkshires!!
How many locations do you have and do you have plans to expand?
One location in Lenox: 22 Walker Street
Provide detailed directions to your location
Main Street (Rt 7) in Lenox, to Walker St. (Rt 183) between The Lenox Town Hall and Talbots
Which areas do you service?
All of Berkshire County with specialization in Lenox
Who owns your company or runs daily operations?
Mary Jo Piretti
What are your hours of operation?
9-5 and by appointment
What is the best compliment anyone can give you?
Has integrity
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